
He is Risen! Easter Handprint Art (Free Printable)

Create this simple yet beautiful Easter handprint art using your handprints! Great craft project even for the young kiddos!

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Easter Handprint art craft Pinterest image

I LOVE Easter! It’s such a hopeful and joyous time as I reflect on the resurrection of Jesus. And to remember that this hope is what we have been called to.

For this reason, because I have heard of your faith in the Lord Jesus and your love toward all the saints, I do not cease to give thanks for you, remembering you in my prayers, that the God of our Lord Jesus Christ, the Father of glory, may give you the Spirit of wisdom and of revelation in the knowledge of him, having the eyes of your hearts enlightened, that you may know what is the hope to which he has called you, what are the riches of his glorious inheritance in the saints,and what is the immeasurable greatness of his power toward us who believe, according to the working of his great might that he worked in Christ when he raised him from the dead and seated him at his right hand in the heavenly places,

Ephesians 1: 15-20 (ESV)

Easter Handprint Craft

I really adore handprint art, because they are such a simple and creative way to capture the small moments of your child’s life as they grow. Additionally, I love that the child’s participation is absolutely crucial to the creation of this art piece.

I mean…without the handprint, it really is just a boring piece of paper!

Furthermore, documenting something as simple as a child’s handprint is such a testament of God’s goodness to us in giving life to our children, and for us to be able to enjoy them.

Life. This is EXACTLY what Jesus came to earth to give us. What a tremendous blessing!

Easter Handprint ART PRINTABLE

Easter Handprint art printable

This handprint craft printable comes with a cross in the center. On top of the cross are the words “He is Risen!”. Below the cross is a scripture verse from Matthew 28:5-6 that says:

The angel said to the woman, “Do not be afraid, for I know that you are looking for Jesus, who was crucified. He is not here; He has risen, just as He said. Come and see the place where He lay.”

On both sides of the cross is space for your child’s handprint. Adding your child’s handprint really enhances this artwork to make it special!

Easy Handprint Craft

In order to create this simple and fun Easter handprint art, you will need the following supplies:

Materials needed for handprint art craft
  • FOAM PAINT BRUSH or REGULAR PAINT BRUSHI used a piece of small foam
  • DISPOSABLE TABLECLOTH – or anything to protect your work surface

How to Make SIMPLE EASTER Hand print Craft

  1. First, print out Easter Hand Print Art Printable (Link at bottom of post) on white card stock. Use regular printer paper if you are planning to laminate or frame the artwork at the end. (see optional touches below).
  2. Second, pour out non-toxic washable paint on a paper plate. I recommend using yellow paint as it goes nicely with the He is Risen theme. However, if your child prefers another color, by all means! Let them be the artist!
  3. Next, use a foam brush to evenly paint child’s hand.
  4. Then, help the child make a hand print right above the tip of flower stem.
  5. Finally, allow hand print to dry and you are done!
Easter Handprint art craft with different yellow handprints

Here’s the printable with yellow handprints. I love that the color yellow makes you think of sunlight. This is meaningful since the women discovered Jesus’s empty tomb at the crack of dawn.

Easter Handprint art craft with different colored handprints

Otherwise, you could also make the art print more playful as well by using two different colored hands. If you have an older child who can verbalize what color(s) they like, let them pick. They will feel a sense of accomplishment for creating their own artpiece!

Don’t forget to write the name and date (or your child’s age) on the printable so you can remember how small their hands are.

How Do I Download This Free Printable?

To download the He is Risen! Easter Handprint Art Printable, subscribe to the MindyMakes Email List. Once you subscribe, you will receive an email with the password for the Mindy Makes Free Resource Library.

Once you click “submit”, the password will show up on the next page. You will also receive a welcome email with the password in case you forget.

Please allow up to an hour for the welcome email to fly through cyberspace and travel into your inbox. If you still don’t receive the email, make sure to check your junk or spam folders and add my email to your safe list!

Need more help? Be sure to check out this step-by-step guide that shows you exactly how to get the password, enter the library, and download the PDF.

Once inside the library, you will find the printable listed under section ‘E’ as “Easter Handprint Art“. Click on the blue “PDF” button to download.

More Ways to Display Handprint Art

Once this beautiful artwork is finished, you’ll want to put it somewhere for display. Here are a few ideas:

  1. Laminate once you are finished. This helps protect the artwork from moisture, unexpected water damage, or simple crinkling up because it’s been misplaced!
  2. Put the art work in a nice frame. Parents of little ones will appreciate being able to hang up their child’s handprint art in the house.
  3. Punch 2 holes at the top and tie a ribbon. The ribbon will add a decorative touch to your art work. Additionally, you can hang up the art work using the back of the ribbon.

Simple Easter Handprint Art Craft

Simple Easter Handprint Art Craft

A simple yet beautiful Easter artwork created using kid's handprint!



  1. Print out your EASTER HANDPRINT ART FREE PRINTABLE on card stock (see note 1).
  2. Gather all the necessary materials.
  3. Squeeze some paint onto disposable plate.
  4. Use foam brush to dab some paint.
  5. Apply paint evenly to the palm of both of your child's hand.
  6. Help your child place their hand prints on both sides of bottom of cross.
  7. Allow hand print to dry.
  8. Finished!


Note 1: Alternatively, print on regular paper. Then once the hand print is dry, laminate the artwork for durability.

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